Invisalign? Think Again! Is It the Best Aligner Brand in 2023?

Aneeca Younas

Oct 30 2023

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Invisible braces are a huge step forward compared to the traditional method. Patients prefer them because they aren’t noticeable, and some aligners only require wearing them at night. These clear aligners are also removable for eating and other purposes, and their treatment lasts shorter than with traditional braces.

It was Invisalign that established its position in the market of clear braces first. Its journey had started in 1997, but it took several years for the platform to become popular. By 2004, more than 150,000 patients used this treatment to deal with their dental issues.

Invisalign became the leading brand in the teeth aligning market. The question is whether it’s still the leader. Many teledentistry companies launched their brands of clear braces and started offering remote services monitored by professionals. In this guide, we are comparing these new services with Invisalign. Here is what you should know about choosing the best treatment for you!

Best Teeth Aligning Treatments Involving Clear Braces in 2025

The increasing popularity of clear braces led to the appearance of endless possibilities for patients. You can choose from multiple brands and treatments, which are both a blessing and a curse. Here is an overview of Invisalign and other treatments, so you can learn more about your options.

Invisalign Pros and Cons

Nobody can deny that Invisalign has a long tradition. It has been on the market for decades, and millions of customers have tried it. Invisalign is nothing else but a name for a clear aligner brand. The company patented the thermoplastic material used to design their invisible braces.

Here are some features that users like about this service:

  • Check out a graphical preview of the entire treatment – a professional dentist designs your treatment, and computer software shows it in 3D images. That way, you can see the planned progress over time.
  • A network of licensed dentists – the platform gathered hundreds of orthodontists throughout the United States, but also in other countries. They’ll design and monitor your treatment.
  • Years of reputation – the long tradition helps the brand attract new customers.

No service is perfect, so let’s consider some downsides of Invisalign:

  • Only in-office treatment – you don’t have an option to order your clear braces remotely. Instead, you schedule an appointment with a nearby dentist for an impression.
  • A high price tag – the brand sells the product but often causes a higher price. It seems that Invisalign’s cost is higher when compared to similar platforms.
  • Strong self-discipline is required – from wearing your clear aligners regularly to storing them properly; it can all affect the results. A huge part of success is your self-discipline and persistence.
  • Strict treatment requirements – clear braces mostly serve for mild problems with teeth alignment. However, Invisalign has pretty strict requirements when it comes to qualifying for the treatment.

many clear braces

Byte – a Fast Alternative to Invisalign

Byte is a relatively new company since they only entered the market in 2018. Their goal was clear from the start – offer the best clear braces and fastest treatments to patients.

The highlight of Byte treatments is that they are 100% home-based. That means you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to see if you qualify for aligners, receive them and initiate the treatment. It’s as simple as it could get, and it’s also safer in times of pandemic. There’s no need for a single visit to the dentist, let alone regular checkups.

Here are some major benefits of Byte compared to other services:

  • Fast treatments – thanks to the high-frequency vibration (HFV) technology, you can shorten the treatment to as little as 3-4 months.
  • Day and night options – if you don’t want to wear aligners all day, you can choose the nightly treatment. Although it extends the completion timeframe, it secures maximum discretion.
  • Multiple payment plans – you can even choose the Byte Protection Plan for additional coverage, as well as multiple insurance options.

How Does Invisalign Compare to New Services Available?

Each treatment has positives and negatives, so how does Invisalign compare to other options?

We analyzed their performance in various categories, and here’s a comparison:

  • At-home treatments – Invisalign offers consultations in doctor’s offices, and they take your impression there. Unlike that, other clear aligner providers agree to a 100% at-home treatment. You do the impressions yourself; they design and send the aligners and monitor the case remotely. It’s easier and more convenient for patients.
  • Price – if you compare Invisalign cost with other alternatives, you find it’s more expensive. Patients on a tight budget or with insurance issues might find this price tag to be too high.
  • Treatment timeframes – the average treatment time for Invisalign is 12 to 18 months. Many find this to be too long, especially since other invisible braces require wearing from four to ten months, depending on the case.
  • Eligibility requirements – many consider Invisalign requirements to be too harsh. If you don’t qualify, you can try a free assessment offered by some other brands. It will help you determine if you are the right treatment fit quickly.


If you are looking for a reputable brand and fit the brand’s requirements, you’ll make a good call by going with Invisalign. Fortunately, today’s market offers alternatives if you don’t feel it’s the best fit for you.

Our team conducted detailed reviews of popular platforms offering clear braces, such as Byte. Byte has ways to speed up the treatment and ensure you achieve the desired alignment sooner. Don’t hesitate to read our reviews to learn more about teledentistry services offering clear aligners and pick your favorite!


Invisible braces
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