5 Myths About Invisible Braces

Rachel Pardo

Dec 19 2023

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SMILE! Ever wonder how you can get picture-perfect teeth without the hassle? Well, we have the answer: invisible braces! These custom-made, clear plastic aligners gently move your teeth into straight alignment. As your teeth move, you get new aligners until they’re perfectly straight. Many companies make this product, and you can even order them from the comfort of your home. In this article, we’ll address five common misconceptions about invisible braces.

Myth #1: Invisible braces aren’t as effective as traditional metal braces

Teeth are more flexible than you think. The plastic aligners are custom-made to fit over your teeth like a glove, giving just the right amount of force to gently move them into place. As long as you wear them for the recommended amount of time (usually around 20 hours a day), they’ll work just as quickly as metal braces.

Myth #2: Ordering online means an orthodontist can’t monitor my progression

Byte work with orthodontists to guarantee straight teeth. They have a great feature where you scan your smile on your phone and send it to an orthodontist. You’ll then have a tele-dental appointment to walk you through the entire process. So you have someone holding your hand every step of the way, from the first impression to the perfect smile! 

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Myth #3: Invisible braces will impair my speech

Like most new things, you have to adapt. Your mouth will feel different at first, but you’ll be amazed by how quickly your tongue gets used to the new appliance. It might take a few days, but you’ll sound like yourself before you know it. In fact, invisible braces are often used to correct various speech impediments caused by misaligned teeth. 

Myth #4: Invisible braces are more expensive than traditional metal braces

Traditional metal braces cost between $3,000 to $6,000 on average in the US. Clear braces cost about the same amount when from an orthodontist, but if you order from home they’re around $1,000 to $2,000 and many companies offer payment plans. We recommend the following:

  • Byte: Get in touch with your insurance company to reimburse you. They list four insurance companies on their site that they work with, and if your insurance gives you coverage you could pay just $445 for the entire process.
  • 2U Smiles: You have the option to pay only $399 as a down payment.

Myth #5: I need to wear my invisible braces all the time

The great part of having clear braces (besides being invisible) is they come off, so you can eat and clean your teeth in peace. It’s recommended you wear them between 20 – 22 hours a day for them to work, but that still allows a few hours of break each day.  Some companies such as byte offer NightOnly aligners that need to be worn for 8 – 10 hours a night. It just takes a bit longer to get your results (about a year). 

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Here’s the breakdown

Invisible braces are an excellent choice for teeth straightening and just as effective as traditional metal ones. 

  • Orthodontists are there to guide you, even when ordering online
  • Your speech will only be impaired for a few days
  • They’re affordable
  • You can take them out for a few hours a day

Now you have the facts, you can feel confident ordering your invisible aligners to get a beautiful and healthy smile. Check out our comparison page to pick the right service for you!

Invisible braces
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